Providing customer-oriented innovative services

Providing customer-oriented innovative services

Implement innovative solutions to facilitate Smart City

As an innovation facilitator, assist clients to implement innovative solutions to enhance service quality, with a view to supporting smart city development.
Implement innovative solutions to facilitate Smart City

Intelligent E&M services

Provide intelligent electrical and mechanical (E&M) services, leveraging big data and artificial intelligence (AI) analysis to strengthen asset management, improve service reliability and achieve energy saving.
Intelligent E&M services

Intelligent customer services

Provide smart customer services to enhance service quality by offering clients with real-time information and using digital technology and AI-assisted technology.
Intelligent customer services

Green solutions

Provide green solutions, including the application of various new decarbonisation technologies and introduction of new-energy vehicles, to facilitate the realisation of the vision of “Zero Carbon Emission and Carbon Neutrality”.
Green solutions

On the path to intelligent electrical and mechanical (E&M) services, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) will implement innovative solutions to enhance operational efficiency of E&M facilities, with a view to supporting smart city development. Leveraging digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI), the EMSTF will improve the quality of its customer services, provide clients with real-time information, and make its customer services smarter, in order to improve the customer satisfaction level of the EMSTF. The EMSTF will continuously accumulate data assets and use AI analysis to mine the value behind big data, so as to reduce the number of failures, improve service reliability, achieve energy saving, etc. In addition, in response to the carbon neutrality initiative of the Government, the EMSTF will provide green solutions, including the application of various new decarbonisation technologies, introduction of new-energy vehicles, etc., to facilitate the realisation of the vision of “Zero Carbon Emission and Smart City”.