Delving into the Road of I&T Development: AAHK Innovation and Technology Seminar 2024

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In order to implement the third Five-year Strategic Plan (the third Plan) of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) by promoting I&T applications together with our clients and showcasing our achievements of I&T collaboration to the public, the EMSD invited the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) to co-organise the AAHK Innovation and Technology Seminar 2024 on 19 July 2024.


Held at the Hong Kong International Airport Tower, the seminar received an enthusiastic response with an attendance of over a hundred staff members of the AAHK and stakeholders. At the seminar, Mr Lai Chun-fai, a senior engineer of the EMSD, promoted our innovative services, including the E&M InnoPortal, E&M InnoCatalogue and Government-Wide Internet of Things Network (GWIN), as well as field trials of I&T solutions at the EMSD Headquarters Building and government premises. Furthermore, staff of the Inno-Office, Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division, Railways Divisions, Energy Efficiency Divisions and Health Sector Divisions of the EMSD shared their experience and insights with the airport industry, and showcased our I&T achievements, including robotics, GWIN, equipment monitoring and AI, as well as the award-winning I&T solutions at the 49th Geneva Exhibition, such as the Autonomous Airfield Ground Lighting Cleaning and Inspection Robot.


Mr Collin Chan, General Manager, Capital Works Management (1st left) and Mr Stanley To, Senior Manager, Technical Systems (1st right) of the AAHK, presented a certificate of appreciation to two EMSD representatives (middle).


Mr Ip Hok-shan, a senior engineer of the EMSD, stated that as the Innovation Facilitator of the Government, the EMSD is tasked with the mission to promote I&T application. Through this seminar, the EMSD has established closer ties with the AAHK, fully embodying the strategy “Strengthening Innovative Collaboration between Stakeholders” in the third Plan of the EMSTF. In the seminar, we collected many I&T wishes of the participants and will arrange matching of suitable solutions in due course, in a bid to realise the vision of “E&M 3.0 – Intelligent E&M”.


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